Sunday, January 1, 2012


It's a whole new year! In case you hadn't noticed. Two thousand twelve... End of the world and all that. Exciting, no?

Well, here are some things that stand out to me about this year:

* I wrote three books-- "Fusion through the Flood", "Unmasked", and "Raven;Book2" -- Which comes to a total of 125,180 words written this year. I started another book ("Avesolitus") which ended up being put on hold, and then started yet another book, "Nightmare", which will hopefully be in the list of finished books for 2012!

* Began editing "Faerlocher" and "Unmasked".

* Successfully participated for the second time in 3-Day Novel, and the fourth time in NaNoWriMo.

* I came out in the top twenty, of eighty, in a writing contest.

*, a very useful tool for a writer.

* "Nighttime Novelist", a book about writing that I am oh so grateful I found.

* Borders went out of business. (-insert bitter tears of sorrow-)

* OYAN Summer Workshops, where I learned so, so, so, SO much, and got amazingly empowered to continue to sharpen my writings and use it to fight for what I believe in.

* I became a green belt in karate.

* Got my nose pierced.

* Re-got into touch with someone I hadn't talked with for years.

* Got a punk haircut, then decided I didn't like styling it all the time and got rid of it. Then chopped ALL my hair off, and had an emotional breakdown afterward.

* Became a "Certified" piano teacher

* Finished movements one and two of "Moonlight Sonata" on the piano, and got about three pages into the third movement. Three pages of seven.

* Learned more about and became better friends with several people.

* "Doctor Who" and "Firefly" entered my life, and made me very happy.

* Took HipHop dance for the first time, and very, very much enjoyed it. Really wish it hadn't been moved to a day I can't make. Also took up SWING DANCING. Which I absolutely love.

* Started singing in choir! Hurray for singing alto again.

And... That's all that I can think of. Perhaps I'll think of more by the end of the entry. Anyways, those stated, I put together a list of goals for this year also:

* Write four books.

* Finish editing/polishing "Unmasked" and "Faerlocher".

* Submit something for publishing.

* Attend the OYAN Summer Workshops again.

* Finish learning "Moonlight Sonata" on the piano.

* Become a better piano teacher, and get more students.

* Get my brown belt in karate, and start working toward my black.

* Become a better drummer.

* Read through "Daily Light", which was given to me by a friend.

Well, I think that about covers it. I may or may not add to this list, but there it stands for now.
I'm rather looking forward to the next year. I can't wait to start working to become a better writer, musician, martial artist, and person in general. Can't wait to see what this year holds!


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